

The Cat Courier

Club Notes


The  Founding of  the United Cat Fanciers' Association. UCFA


February 27, 1919   
     At the wish of some of the -member Clubs it was decided to once more send delegates to the Annual Meeting of the C. F. A. to see it fair treatment could be received and new officers elected.
     This proved to be quite impossible for enough Clubs were promptly excluded from voting to allow of the present officers continuing in office.
     The Chicago Cat Club, which had mailed its cheque for dues February 6th, received a reply from the Treasurer, dated February 18th, as follows: –My dear Miss Johnstone: —I am in receipt of your letter enclosing Club cheque, which I will present at the Annual Meeting of the Cat Fanciers' Association. Very truly yours, L. G. Olsey, Treasurer."
     But instead of putting this matter before the Annual Meeting, the President announced that both the Chicago and Belvidere Clubs, which were voting with the Atlantic, Lockehaven, Silver Society, Greater Michigan had been dropped the previous June, for non-payment of dues.
     Very strange that the Treasurer of the Association did not know this when replying to the Chicago Club only a few days before the meeting.
According to the C. F. A. Constitution, no Club may be dropped except at all annual meeting, by a two-thirds vote of these present. See Art. 1X., Sec. 1.
     The Chicago delegate at once demanded the reading of the Minutes of the June meeting, at which these Clubs were said to have been dropped, but this was absolutely refused by the President, who stated that the Minutes had been laid on the table, therefore could not be read and the meeting would proceed.
     Had the Chicago Club and Belvidere Club been allowed to vote, the election of officers would have been entirely changed and the amendments suggested by the Silver Society would have been carried, so the reason for this action on the part of the presiding officer may be seen.
     Apart from. the treatment received by the delegate from the Atlantic, Belvidere, Chicago, Greater Michigan, Lockehaven and Silver Society at this meeting, the C. F. A. had previously refused to allow points to the Silver Society because they had changed their dates, and to the Atlantic because the judges' slips were not all signed.
     They also insulted a member of the Club by notifying all the other C. F. A. Clubs that she had been suspended by the Board, from taking any further part in C. F. A. shows, giving no reason for such action, presumably because the reason was so perfectly ridiculous.
     Because of these, and other actions of the C. F. A. as at present constituted, your Board Delegate would suggest that the Atlantic Cat Club forthwith resign its membership in the Cat Fanciers' Association, such action having been taken by other member Clubs.
     That the Atlantic Cat Club be one of the founders of a new Association to be known as the United Cat
Fanciers' Association.
     The Constitution of this Association to be drawn up at a meeting of members from any of the Clubs desiring to join; the proposed Constitution to be submitted to Mr. A. A. Machell for revision, and then to be submitted to each Club for its individual approval or correction.
     Any suggestion, correction or revision made, to be submitted to a meeting of delegates from all the interested Clubs, who will consider all suggestions, and, if they meet with the approval of a two-thirds majority of those present, they will be adopted.
     The United Cat Fanciers' Association to allow Clubs joining their organization to count all Championship points won, either C. F. A. or A. C. A. Shows prior to February, 1919; also to allow C. F. A. registrations made before that date.
The proposed Association to be immediately incorporated.



A special meeting of the Silver Society was held on March 11, 1919, with Mrs. Sturgis. the President, in the chair.
After the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting, Miss J. R. Kroeh, Board Member, made a verbal report of the proceedings of the annual meeting of the Cat Fanciers' Association.
The report was accepted, and after considerable discussion a resolution was presented and adopted to the effect that the members present disapproved of the unfair treatment directed against the Silver Society, and of certain irregularities which occurred at the annual meeting of the C. F. A. The resolution further more included the following clause
"That it is the sense of this meeting that the Silver Society should withdraw from membership with the Cat Fanciers' Association."
A final clause of the resolution instructed the Secretary to communicate the action to other associate clubs.
A second special meeting of the Silver Society was held on March 26, 1919, the President, Mrs. Sturgis, presiding.
A motion was properly made and carried that the action of the special meeting of March 11th be ratified, and the Silver Society withdraw from the Cat Fanciers' Association.
Certain proposed amendments made necessary by the aforesaid action, were adopted.
The show report, which had been previously submitted and approved, but upon which final action had been deferred until the war tax should be adjusted, was again submitted, and the Treasurer was instructed to remit $250.00 to the New York Women's League for Animals.
Still another special meeting of the Silver Society was held on April 8, 1919, with the President in the chair.
By resolution duly carried the formation of a new Association of Cat Clubs was proposed, to be known as the United Cat Fanciers' Association, of which the Silver Society would be a founder. The resolution further stipulated that the Constitution would be the joint effort of those clubs desiring to join the Association.
Furthermore, it was agreed that such new organization would "allow all championship points won at C. F. A. shows prior to February, 1919," and "also allow C. F. A. registrations made before that date."
Plans for the next show were discussed and tentative dates in January were agreed upon. A double show having been suggested. Miss Kroeh was elected judge of one of the sections. Mrs. H. L. West was again elected manager. 

Mary Hope West, Secretary.

At the regular meeting of the Atlantic Ca. Club, held April 17, 1919, a complete list of officers were elected as follows:
President, Mrs. H. L. West.
Vice-Presidents, Mrs. E. T. Rice, Mrs. H. V. Furness, Miss J. Campbell, Mrs. L. B. Sturgis.
Secretary, Mrs. F. Y. Mathis, Greenwich, Conn.
Treasurer, Mrs, R. F. Armstrong.
Delegates, Miss E. R. B. Champion, Mrs. R. F. Blight, Mrs. Bernstein.
Two names were proposed for membership.
Miss E. R. B. Champion, delegate to the C. F. A., read report of the C. F. A. annual meeting, which was accepted. The Club voted to send a copy of this report to The Courier and Review for publication.
It was moved and carried unanimously, that the Club resign from the C. F. A. and join the new Association. All C. F. A. and  A. C. A. points will be recognized by the new Association.
Amendments to Constitution Arts. IV., V., and X. approved and carried.

Mrs. F. Y. Mathis, Secretary.


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