Pedigree of

Black&Tan Fenya Guinness

Siamese Seal Point

 Photograph  CFA V0311  

   Born 08-08-2009

Parents Grandparents Great grandparents Great great grandparents

Sire: Permes Balor Bass of Black&Tan
Siamese seal point
born 05-30-2003

CFA V0605

Sire: Shoobox Ceasar of Permes

Siamese lilac point
born 04-23-2001

CFA V0702

Sire: Tonopah Sir Charlie Chaplin

Siamese chocolate point
born 05-17-1997

Sire: Tonopah Tristan

chocolate point, born 11-28-1984

Dam: Tonopah Tuptim

seal point, born  02-28-1993

Dam: Shoobox Sneakers

Siamese seal point
born 09-25-1998

Sire: Raja-of-Strathmore

seal point, born 07-22-1993

Dam: Ms Cherish

chocolate point, born 11-11-1996


Refine Sheena-of-China

Siamese seal Point
born 07-06-1996

CFA V0197

Sire: Abelity Don Prometheus Cain

Siamese chocolate point
born 08-25-1988

Sire: Cease That Racket

lilac point, born 08-16-1986

Dam: Cambo's Little Miss Sissy

chocolate point, born 08-12-1987

Dam: Ming Lings China Dinah

Siamese blue point
born 03-13-1993

Sire: Cool Dude Roy

blue point, born 08-10-1990

Dam: Flu-Uh-Fey

blue point, born 08-10-1990

Dam: Black&Tan Finola Guinness  
Siamese seal point
born 07-09-2006

CFA V1207

Sire: Permes Kian Bass of Black&Tan
Siamese seal point
born 09-16-2005

CFA V1006

Sire: To-Lyn Janus of Permes

Siamese seal point
born 05-01-1998

Sire: Big Kahuna

Siamese chocolate point, born 04-07-1997  

Dam: Sharve Sade-of-Duchess Georgia

blue point, born 09-14-1992  

Dam: Permes Molly

Siamese chocolate point
born 04-05-2001  

Sire: Shoobox Buster Brown 

of Rainbowmoon

chocolate point, born 01-16-2000  

Dam: Tonopah Blue Bella

blue point, born 02-09-1995 

Dam: Maeve Guinness of Black&Tan
Siamese seal point
born 08-18-2003

CFA V0605

Sire: Max-A-Million

Siamese chocolate point
born 03-10-1996

Sire: Ronin Tampopo
chocolate point, born 12-16-1992

Dam: Storeybook Aphrodite

seal point, born 02-15-1994

Dam: Siam-Balibir Roxanne

Siamese seal point
born 10-29-1997 

Sire: Samuri Ninja Warrior
seal point, born 09-15-1989

Dam: Ladu Lalique of Siam Balibir

chocolate point, born 04-18-1994


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